Take It Personally..

How often have you heard someone tell you “not to take it personally”? This is often the disclaimer given when negative or insulting comments are being spoken about you. You may be tempted to dismiss negative comments simply because they conflict with the image you would like to have of yourself. While you can’t mindlessly believe everything a person says about you either, you might want to selectively absorb pieces of information and use them as fuel for motivation.

If several people in your life have mentioned that you seem to be lacking in purpose, or you’re too timid, shy, unconfident, or any other unflattering description – ask yourself why they might have this impression of you.

If only one person feels that way the idea may not hold merit, but if several people all seem to have the same impression of you, there may be something worth looking at there. Think about these comments objectively and ask yourself whether they might contain a grain of truth.

Make a list of the unflattering things people have said to you (or you frequently say to yourself). Then go down the list and honestly assess whether they hold merit. Some of them probably won’t, and you can cross those off the list. The others, however, hold a big key to your personality – and you are in control of those things!

If you discover areas of your personality or habits that could use some improvement, use the feedback you’ve received to make positive changes in your life. You don’t have to remake yourself in one fell swoop – just start working on changing them little by little. If you’ve got a pessimistic attitude, begin trying to see the best side of each situation or opportunity. If you lack confidence, begin building a stronger belief in yourself and your potential.

Not only should you take your personal development seriously, take your goals and aspirations personally! It’s helpful to be objective while defining your goals and preparing your strategy, but the importance of your goals in the big picture of your life should be a very personal matter indeed. Take it seriously, and take it personally. If you experience a setback, question why it happened. Did you try to take a shortcut instead of giving your full effort to a task? Did you make mistakes that caused a setback to occur? If so, internalize those insights and use them to avoid similar mistakes in the future.

Personal development and goal achievement alike are very much a process of evolvement. You first must open your mind to the possibilities, learn through self-discovery, take action and continually test your limits. If you take both of these processes personally, you will hold them close to your heart and place immense importance on them, which means you’ll keep working toward them as long as it takes to make them a reality.

The more you work on yourself, the more motivated you will become to keep doing so. And as you improve as a person, so will your goals and dreams begin to grow larger and fuel your motivation to continue.

Author: Iain Legg

Success Requires a Clear Vision ~Does Your Plan Fit The Bill~

Success Requires a Clear Vision

One reason many people struggle to become successful is because they don’t have a clear vision of what they want to accomplish. They may have vague ideas of the benefits they’d like to gain, like more money or a bigger house – but they have no idea how they’ll achieve them. They may try a few different ventures, halfheartedly working toward a greater level of success, but eventually lose interest when they don’t see much progress.Has this been your experience too?The problem may not be that you’re incapable of reaching the level of success you desire, but rather that you don’t have a clear enough vision of what you want to accomplish.

The true measure of success is not what comes from it, but rather your ability to see clearly what you want to achieve and then doing what it takes to make it happen!

Below you’ll find a simple 5-step process to help you develop a clear vision and put it into action:

1) Know exactly what you want to accomplish. Rather than thinking about the perks and benefits that come along with success, focus instead on conceiving a PURPOSE. What do you want to accomplish? What is important to you? Why is it important?

Think about the qualities and skills you’d like to develop within yourself, and the types of goals that could help you do it. Be very specific! Write it down in minute detail.

2) Know the approximate timeline for completion. Realistically, how long should it take for your objective to be completed? Barring any unexpected delays, have a general idea of when you should reach your goal.

3) Have a list of clear action steps. Besides knowing exactly what you want to achieve, knowing exactly how you’ll do it is also vital. Think about the end result you want to create, and then consider exactly what you’d need to do in order to get from here to there. Write each step in order, and make a note of any possible obstacles you may face along with actions you could take to overcome them.

4) Have a solid plan for putting those steps into action. Will all of your action steps be undertaken at once? Or is there a clear progression that needs to be followed? If a delay or obstacle comes up, would that change the order of your action steps? Prepare and plan ahead as much as possible.

Then, make sure you put your plans into action, and keep them in action.

5) Finally, re-evaluate and readjust as necessary. Once you’re moving forward you’ll want to set aside some time to re-evaluate and readjust if circumstances have changed since you drew up your original plans. You can do this as frequently as needed in order to ensure you are staying on track.

With a clear vision and a strong desire to achieve it, you’ll soon find that you’re on the fast track to success like never before!

Success Requires a Clear Vision by IAIN LEGG

There is a good reason for posting this great motivational series. I have been working long hard hours at my night job plus trying to work full time creating the life style I have chosen to live by. I am a crafter. I create because it brings me a sense of wellness. I feel alive when I see, touch, and sometimes taste colorful things. My vision however is slightly off target these days.

A year ago I worked extremely hard trying to find reliable resources for other work at home moms. I have a belief system that if we choose to raise our children ourselves, we should not be punished to a world of broken finaces. While my better half, {yes I am married } has supported me in every way possible including the fincial ends. I needed to teach my children about self reliance. I started selling World of Products for a few years, but that was not enough to drive me.

From there I spent years on the internet sourcing products so others could stay home with their kids.

As with all good things, even this area had to come to a end. I grew and so did my children. So, this is where I am at today. I still have a vision but my needs are not the same. I still have a need to create, but my motivation is lacking. It takes so much energy to come to a place of wellness. I will be posting many short articles on how we together can inpsire and recapture the vison of our successes.

P.S. You should probably note for reference that I stay up late because I get home late from work. I finish my craft pieces each night so I can keep on track. ~My spelling,grammar,punction,and just plain writing skills are average~ There is a belief I hold onto..

All good deeds are not unnoticed. I am here to offer support and to make our world a better place for each of us. I cant not do it alone.

Its your life, your busines, and your craft!


A Fun Virtual Scrapbook Site..

Create your own virtual scrapbook for free!

What is Smilebox?

Smilebox makes it easy to share more about you using your photos, videos, and words.In just minutes, create and share  unique and personal slideshows to email,post to your Myspace page or blog, or print. It’s easy and free!

Attracting the Next Generation of Crafters

I Want to Create
By: graham and julie
What would you like to create? A peaceful life, a successful life, a good life, a sculpture, a piece of art, a book? What is
it that you would like to create? Whatever you want you can achieve it. All you have to do is follow your natural compass.

Remove the rubbish that takes you off course and let the natural you come through. It is not the case of adding new behaviors to create what you want. No. It’s a case of moving the obstacles out of the away and let the natural you come through.
One of the biggest obstacles of all to being creative in life, to reaching your potential: is conformity. As Shakti Gawain says:’We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or other peoples model’.Just think for a moment. How much do you conform?
The world of work wants you to conform more and more. The computerization of systems has taken away the creativity of individuals and made you conform. Individual creativity of employees has almost disappeared in favour of conformity.The clothes you wear. Isn’t there a strong push to get you to be similar if not the same as everyone else.

The food you eat. Don’t you feel that you are being told what to eat and where you ought to eat it. Which restaurants are fashionable, which food is good for you. What supplements you ‘ought’ to take.

So its not surprising therefore that in our family lives and our lives in general we have become slaves to conformity. The habit and behaviour of conformity, wanting to be the same, is stopping you from touching your creativity.

To reach your true potential, to open up your creativity you must start by having:
Trust in yourself

Having trust in yourself is about listening to the real you, your feelings, your heart and becoming the person you really are capable of becoming. The you, who has been hidden for years and would really like to show the world how good you are.

Now, what are the first thoughts that come into your mind to stop you achieving this aim and objective? Often the first thing that stops you having power over your day to day behaviour is the one who sits on your shoulder or the voice inside your head that constantly nags like a oppressive parent. It’s whole aim is to sabotage your efforts. To destroy your self esteem.

– you ought to do ……that will never work

– you should do ……what do you think your doing

– that will never work “Forget it”.

– how do you think that’s going to pay the bills

– you must be mad don’t you remember what happened last time

Remember there is another voice that you can tune into. A voice that is full of encouragement and hope. Every time you are faced with ‘you can’t do …….. reply with “Of course I can do this…..I have the skills”.

The role of the inner voice is no more than getting you to conform to the labels people have put on you. Your job is to reach your potential. Release your creativity. So why listen? Tell yourself and everyone else I can do it..Of course I can….I am following my aim and objective in life. I am like a seed. With a little nurturing and the right environment I can mature into a beautiful flower. I have done it before I can do it again.

Just think for a moment:

when was the last time you successfully handled difficulties that occurred in your life?

when were you thanked and congratulated for doing a good job?

what responsibilities do you have in your life that you successfully deal with?

what do you like about yourself. What are your qualities?

when in your life have you felt loved?

Remember conformity stops you from being creative. Stops you from leading your natural life. As you learn to overcome conformity and start to believe in your strengths then you have the first step in living a more creative and fruitful life. A life which is naturally yours.


Instead of where there is a will there is a wont.I now believe where there is a will there is a way.
Graham and Julie
Graham and Julie live in the Canary Islands where they pursue their love for writing, photography and spirituality.
To see more of their work please go to: Desktop Mediation



The Most Beatiful Form of Art

This is not uncommon for crafters or anyone who is a passsionate creative soul,

 ~Loss of Self Awareness~

Many people do not understand what it takes to create.

Most people in today’s world have a need for strength, success, exposure, and acceptance.

We are an ever changing creation.

We need to learn why we do the things we do.

This is not directed only to creative souls but to the general population. 

Understanding the insight to our ~Self~

helps those around us understand the importance of creativity.

 The mind is the most beautiful form of art!

The mind has the ability to create wonders that only a few can image. 

The mind has the power to enhance the spark that lights the path of the night.

The mind is the essense of beauty..

And beauty is becoming a rare form of art due to our minds!!

To achieve peace and creative wholeness visit this wonderfully refreshing window to ~Self Awareness~

             Get inspired by clicking here!!

We support ~Indie Crafter’s~

Maybe it is just habit to surf the net.

Maybe I get a little bored..

Or maybe I believe the world should know about people outside their circles of everyday living..

Yes, all the above is true.  I love to create myself, but have found I am much better at setting aside time to discover new artists’

Isnt it amazing that we can travel the world within our homes. Never having to leave the comfort of our secure domains but still embrace the

world around us. This is what being global has done for us. We can travel within our own minds to see places and creations that 20 years ago would only have been found in books. We can almost touch what we see when we are on the internet. Sometimes pics are worth more than a million words. The beauty of seeing is believing we too can achieve great things because the world around is ever changing.

The world of arts and crafts is ever changing.

We all can create..

We all can achieve..

We all are ~Grand Creations~ in itself!

Though I am not just stuck with Etsy crafter’s, here are a few that have caught my eye this week. And hopefully I will be able to support them further by purchasing a  few cool things too!






YouTube ~Candle Making & Casting Molds~

There is always something for everyone in the world of crafting.

Today I visited ~YouTube~ again to learn more about candle making and molds.

This is not a craft I am planning on pursuing but I did find it very interesting to learn about.

I however may try my hand at making my own molds for jewelry & baking so this was a good nights work for me..


Making Candles

Martha Stewart Making Candles and Casting Wax

Using Molds in Candle Making: How to Make Your Own Candles

Part 1: Recipe for Making Your Own Candles

Part 2: Recipe for Making Your Own Candles

How to Make a Soy Candle Part 1

Search Results for “Soy Candles Candle Making”
Molde silicone

How to make a simple Silicone Mold Part 1

How to make a simple Silicone Mold Part 2

How to make a two-part mold

How to make a Latex Mold

Foam Latex

Search Results for “how to make silicone molds
Search Results for “how to make jewelry casting molds

Search Results for “make rubber stamps

Make Custom Rubber Stamps with FastLight

Tips and Techniques: Make Your Own Acrylic Embellishments

Hand made plastic acrylic art demo and info

Egg Crafting ~Made with Love~

What came first..

The chicken or The Egg…

Ok, does it really matter in the end? This is not about evolution it is about creating unique gifts from things available in every store.

Egg crafting for all ages..

Hand painted chicken egg ornaments ~Doodle Eggs~

 See all the colorful hand painted eggs created by Beadz Plus More….{Click Here}

If you would like to learn more about the art of decorating eggs check out these resources below.
One thing to mention is, you can easily create wonderful egg gifts very cheaply. Do learn about blowing,cleaning,and sealing before
you consider selling your handmade works.

Creativity Tip:
Beginners- blowing the egg yourself is very easy, but you need to make the whole large enough at each end to get the egg completely out.
You will also feel the pressure on your throat if you do a lot of blowing in one sitting. I know I did, and it can hurt a bit.
Also make sure you completely rinse and air dry before moving forward with your designs. The resources below will help you get started and
have many step by step lessons. Enjoy your new crafting experience!!

Creativity Tip:
For creative and decorative embellishments you can use, crystals,beads,ribbon, ect..
You can find wholesale craft supplies in our World of Products ~Wholesaler’s Print Workbook~
International Egg Art Guild

Egg Art And Egg Art Lessons

EggSamples ~International Egg Art~

Egg Art Lessons and Instructions

We Sell Eggshells

Learn Pysanky ~Ukrainian Egg Designs~

Build a Decorative Egg Holder

Egg Art Suppliers~Free Egg Art Instructions~

Egg Art Groups


Charities and Special Interest Links

Helping Others

Afghans for Afghans

Binky Patrol
All volunteer, national, non-profit organization making and distributing homemade blankets to children (age 0-18) born HIV+, drug-addicted, infected with AIDS or other chronic & terminal illnesses, those who are abused, in foster care or experiencing trauma of any kind.

Caps for Kids
Providing needy children with cozy hats to keep them warm is what Caps for Kids is all about. Nearly one million caps, along with other children’s accessories, have been knitted and crocheted by volunteers since the program began. The hats are given to non-profit, non denominational agencies in the communities of the donors.

Care Ware
Care Wear is a nationwide group of volunteers who knit, crochet, and/or sew, providing handmade baby items to hospitals. All Care Wear items are given free to infants, children and their parents.

A wonderful organization that encourages knitters and crocheters to knit and crochet caps for folks who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy treatments. If you need a pattern, we have created a Knit Chemo Cap and Crochet Chemo Cap pattern for your convenience.

Project Linus
With over 300 chapters in the United States, our organization supplies blankets to children in need who is seriously ill or traumatized in some way — in other words “children in need of a big hug.”

Stitch to Win Against Breast Cancer
In celebration of TNNA’s 30th anniversary, the organization is partnering with WIN Against Breast Cancer in an effort to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research and education.

Warm Up America
Volunteers donate their time to crochet and knit a 7″ X 9″ rectangle (or more) to be joined into full-size afghans. Over 120,000 of these afghans have been donated to victims of natural disasters, battered women’s shelters, the homeless, and others less fortunate than ourselves.

YouTube ~Learning Crochet Stitches & More

Learing how to crochet has never been easier thanks to awesome crafter’s and their short clip video’s.

I myself am self taught and wish I would have had these video’s to help me get started. I have been crocheting for
a few years. Never having been able to read a pattern, I thought I was doing the stitches the right way. YouTube ~how to~ video’s
have proven me quite wrong. It does go to show you anyone can create beautiful hand made gifts without any experience. But now I
know the right way and will start taking steps to incorperate a few correct stitches into my designs.

Enjoy the video’s listed below. They should get you in the mood to create more ~OR~ learn the wonderful craft of crocheting…

Crochet Single Crochet

Crochet Double Crochet

Crochet Half Double Crochet

Crochet Triple Crochet

Crochet Multiple- Defining the Meaning

Crochet Cluster Stitch

Crochet Seed Stitch Flower Granny – Part1

Crochet Seed Stitch Flower Granny – Part2

Crochet Seed Stitch Flower Granny – Part3

Crochet BasketWeave Crochet Stitch – Part 1
Crochet BasketWeave Crochet – Part 2
How to Crochet Beanies : Adding Stitches to a Spiral Crochet: Crocheting Beanies

How to Crochet Beanies : How to Double Crochet in a Spiral: Crocheting Beanies

How to Crochet Beanies : What Size to Make your Beanie Hat

Crochet-How to Crochet a Circle

How to Crochet a Doll

Crochet-How to Crochet a Flower

Crochet Shamrock

 Crochet Christmas Wreath

Crochet Triangle-Star

Seed Stitch Basic Crochet Pattern Stitch

Crochet Star Stitch – Part 1

Crochet Star Stitch – Part 2
Crochet with “plarn”
Plastic Bag Crochet Project

Cutting Plastic Bags
Joining Plastic Bag Loops for Knitting or Crochet